Georgia Professional Development System

Early Care and Learning Professional

  • Creating Your Profile
    • Creating a New Account
      1. On the GaPDS home page, click the Login / Register link in the top right corner.
      2. Under New Users, click Create new account for GaPDS.
      3. Under What do you want to do? select the first option, I want to create and manage my Georgia Professional Development System Profile or enroll in training, then click Continue.
      4. Complete the required fields on the registration form:
        • First Name
        • Last Name
        • SSN - enter your 9 digit social security number
        • Phone Number - (optional)
        • User Name must be at least three characters in length and may contain alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) and the special characters "period," "dash," "underscore." (. - _).
        • Email address - enter a valid email address
        • Employment Status - Select your employment status from the dropdown.
        • Current Employer - If you selected "Employed" as your employment status, your must select or enter your current employer. See "Selecting Your Current Employer".
      5. You will be notified by e-mail when your account has been created. This process should take no longer than 30 minutes. If you do not receive an e-mail after registering, please Contact Us.
    • Logging in to GaPDS
      • To log in to GaPDS for the first time, you must first authenticate your e-mail address. Click the link in the confirmation e-mail you received. If you have problems with the link, you can copy and paste the link provided in the e-mail to your browser.
      • After clicking the link, you will be prompted to create your initial password for the site. Create your password using the requirements shown on the screen.Do not share your password with anyone.
      • Log in by entering your username and password on the GaPDS home page.
      • You will now see your profile and be able to see your PDS Number. (see Navigating Your Profile)
    • Before You Begin to Complete Your Profile

      Gather the following documents and information:

      • Copies of transcripts that document all ECE college coursework. and degrees you have earned that you wish to enter (Please note that official transcripts will still have to be sent to PSC for approval.)
      • Credentials you have earned related to Early Childhood Education (ECE)
      • Certificates from Approved ECE training you have attended
      • Current employer (if a licensed facility, the license number), previous employers, and years of experience in ECE
    • Entering Your Information on Profile
      • The Contact Information under My Account screen MUST be completed and saved before you can navigate to any other screen.
      • The Education, Employee, and Training screens can be accessed and completed in any order.
      • Required information is marked with an asterisk (*).
      • After entering your information on each screen, click "Save."
    • Navigating Your Profile

      You can navigate between the profile screens by:

      • Clicking the arrows at the bottom of the screens
      • Clicking one of the tabs on the top bar

      If you change any data on a screen and attempt to navigate away from the screen without saving your data, you will be notified and have an opportunity to cancel navigation or continue without saving.

    • Basic Account Information and Icon Legend
      • Account Information Summary

        This summary displays the following information regarding your account:

        • Name
        • Username
        • PDS # — The PDS # will remain blank before submitting your initial registration.
        • Career Level — This will show incomplete, pending, verified, active and expired credentials and will change based on PSC information. (can link to the Career Level document and pdf opens in a new window)
        • Renewal Date — Renewal date is assigned based on initial submission date.
          • Submissions received January 1-June 30 will have a renewal date of December 31 of the current year.
          • Submissions received July 1-December 31 will have a renewal date of December 31 of the next year.
      • Icon Legend

        The icon legend is a visual guide to the icons used throughout the GaPDS website.

        •  Submit Document to PSC — Indicates the item is Pending.Before submitting your registration for verification, each item that requires supporting documentation will display this icon.
        •  Document Received by PSC — Indicates the PSC has received the supporting documentation for this item.
        •  Verified by PSC — Indicates the item has been evaluated and verified successfully.
        •  Verification Failed — Indicates the item was not successfully verified. For more information go to "Verification Failed Reasons".
        •  Expired— Indicates the item has expired.
        • Verified Training  Verified Training Verified by Trainer — Indicates the trainer has marked you as Attended on the roster. It is automatically added to your training history and a certificate is available to print.
        •  Print Certificate — Provides option to print training certificate
        •  Upload Evidence — Upload supporting document for PSC to verify
        •  View Evidence — View uploaded evidence document
        •   Delete Evidence — Delete evidence document
        •   Updated by PSC — View PSC update log
  • Completing and Updating Your Profile
    • Contact Information

      Your Contact Information should already be filled in the My Account page.

      You will see your First Name*, Last Name*, Maiden Name (if applicable), Email*, SSN* with only last two numbers showing (you may choose to view your entire SSN to verify accuracy), Phone Number, and County of Residence (for GA residents). The items with an asterisk (*) are required.

      Please note that we use your SSN to verify your data with the PSC and to ensure you receive the most accurate and highest career level for which you are qualified. After your account is created and reviewed, you will receive a PDS number. This number will replace your SSN and you can use it for all future PDS-related activities. It’s important to protect your personal information by keeping your username and password private.

    • Education

        Your Career Level will be based on your education, years of experience, and the credentials you have received in early care and education. Therefore, you must complete the Education section before submitting your application for verification.

        You must complete the Training section to obtain the highest Career Level for which you qualify.

        • High School diploma (After the high school diploma or GED is verified or a post-secondary degree is verified, this item can no longer be changed.)
        • Post-Secondary degrees
        • Coursework and Credentials

        Please note that if an item has no expiration date and has been verified by the Professional Standards Commission (PSC), that item can no longer be changed. If a CDA credential is within six months of expiration, you will be able to add a renewal for the item.

      • PSC Certifications and Education Information

        If you already have education or certification information on file with the PSC, you will see this information here and will not need to enter it again. If your PSC information incorrect, submit changes to the PSC.

        If your Major is shown as Unknown, this means the PSC does not have a record of your major. If your degree in an ECE-related field, it is possible that your Career Level is at a lower level because you are not getting credit for this degree. In this case, enter the degree again in the Post Secondary Education section and identify the correct ECE-related degree. You will be required to submit your official transcript to have this degree verified.

        For detailed information about your certification or to view your certification status or previous certification correspondence, please login to your MyPSC account at

        If you do not have a MyPSC account, you can register at

        You can view additional information about PSC certification levels at

        MyPSC Accounts are for current Georgia educators and for individuals in the process of becoming a Georgia educator. If you have certification questions and have not submitted an application, documents, or assessment scores to PSC, visit PSC's main website at or call 404-232-2500 for further information.

      • Secondary Education

        If you have PSC information on file, Secondary Education will be pre-populated for you. You may skip this section.

        1. Select "Yes" or "No" for High School Diploma/GED.
          • If "No" is selected, you may check "High School Student" or "GED in Progress."
          • If you are currently working on a degree, any early childhood education (ECE) related courses you have completed could be considered for training hours and may impact your current Career Level. These courses should be entered in the Training section.
      • Post-Secondary Education

        Required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).

        Add any post-secondary degrees you have completed that are not already displayed in the PSC section at the top of the screen. To add a degree:

        1. Click the Add Degree Information button.
        2. Enter the requested information.
          • The date can be populated using the calendar date menu or manually entered. If manually entered, enter in the format of mm/dd/yyyy.
        3. Click the "Save" button.
      • Required Early Care Education (ECE) Related Coursework for Non-ECE Degrees

        If you selected Psychology, Social Work, or Other as your Major or Minor Degree, this section will become visible. For these degrees to be considered ECE-related, you must have 15 semester or 25 quarter hours of ECE-related courses. Only classes entered in this section will be verified, so list ALL classes you want to be considered for verification. For a list of accepted courses, reference the ECE-related course list.

        If you have completed a course not included on this list that you believe is ECE-related, list it here and fax a course description to the PSC at 404-232-2661. Include your PDS # (found on the top left corner of the GaPDS Profile page) on the documents to ensure proper handling.

        Required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).

        1. Click the Add ECE-Related Training button.
        2. Enter the requested information.
          • The date can be populated using the calendar date menu or manually entered. If manually entered, enter in the format of mm/dd/yyyy.
        3. Click the "Save" button.
      • Credentials

        As you click the boxes indicating your credentials, the required fields will be indicated with an asterisk (*).

        1. Enter the requested information.
          • For dates where only the month and year are applicable, enter the first day of the month as the date.
          • The date can be populated using the calendar date menu or manually entered. If manually entered, enter in the format of mm/dd/yyyy.
        2. Georgia Teacher Certification, based on a valid out-of-state teaching credential, is temporary and expires at the end of the current school year associated with the verification date of the credential.
        3. Click the "Save" button.
    • Training

        You are not required to complete the training information section; however, completing the training section ensures you obtain the highest Career Level for which you qualify and provides a resume of training validated by DECAL

      • Add Training
        1. Click the Add Training button and select the Training Type from the drop-down list. (See Training Types information below.)
        2. Provide the requested information. Required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).
        3. Click the Save button or the Cancel button to return to the Training screen.
        4. As each training entry is saved, it will be displayed in the Training Attended grid. Before submitting your registration, you will be able to edit or delete a training entry from the grid. When you enter, edit, or delete a training entry, you will get a message letting you know that your entry was successfully saved.
        5. Since your entries are saved as they are added to the grid, there is no Save button on the Training screen.
        Training Types

        The icon legend is a visual guide to the icons used throughout the GaPDS website.

        1. State Approved Training – the training completion certificate has a code, TG-BFTS-nnnnn (don’t confuse with the Trainer’s code TR-BFTS-nnnnn).
        2. Approved Sponsor Organization – the training completion certificate has a code, TG-ASO-nnnnn (don’t confuse with the ASO code TR-ASO-nnnnn).
        3. Approved Entity Training – the training completion certificate has a code, AE-BFTS-nnnnn. Click here for a list of Approved Entities and codes.
        4. Professional Learning Community Series – the training completion certificate has a code, TG-BFTS-PLC-nnnnn.
        5. Approved Conference – the training completion certificate has a code, C-BFTS-nnnnn.
        6. ECE Related Coursework – Use this training type to get credit for college level ECE or related coursework you’ve taken independently, or while pursuing a degree that is not completed. If you have completed a degree, add the degree in the Education section. If this type is chosen, you will be expected to have an official transcript sent for review, even though the degree is not completed. This information will not show up in Training History, and will not count for training hours.
        7. CDC Watch Me! Series – Use this training type to get credit for completing the Watch Me! Celebrating Milestones and Sharing Concerns online training modules provided by the CDC.
    • Employment
      • Current Employment
        1. Select Yes or No for current employment in Early Care and Education.
        2. If No is selected:
          • Select your employment status from the drop-down list.
        3. If Yes is selected, you must enter the following for up to two current employers:
          1. Current employer information (see below)
          2. Roles performed in position
          3. Age Groups worked with in position
      • Adding Current Employment
        1. Click Select Employer to add an employer or Select 2nd Employer to add a second employer.
          1. You may select up to two employers.
          2. To remove an employer, click the trashcan icon to the right of the provider information.
            • This is very important if you leave a facility. Otherwise, the director will still have the ability to review your Training History and enroll you in trainings.
        2. Answer the question at the top to indicate whether you are employed at a facility licensed by DECAL, an provider with an approved exemption, or a Georgia's Pre-K Program.
        3. If you answer No to this question, you will be able to manually enter your employment information. (skip to number 5)
        4. If you answer Yes to the question, enter one or more of the following search criteria to search for your facility:
          1. Provider Number - select the prefix from the drop-down list and enter the provider number. This can be a license number or an exemption number.
          2. Employer Name (Enter all or part of the name)
          3. County
          4. Zip Code
          5. Click the Search button.
          6. Select your current employer from the results list by clicking on the option to the left of the provider name.
        5. Enter or select the date you started working for this employer.
        6. Select all Direct Care or Indirect Services roles you perform in this position.
        7. Select your primary role.
        8. Select the age groups you work with (if you selected a direct care role).
        9. Click the Save button.
      • Early Care and Education Experience
        1. Enter the number of years and months of experience in Direct Care and ECE Administration.
          • If none, enter a 0 for that item.
        2. Click the Save button.
    • Other Career Data

        You are not required to complete the Other Career Data section; however, completing this section will provide you with a more complete record of your career information and experience.

      • Employment History

        Deleting a current employer from the Employment section will automatically move the prior employment to your employment history record. Or, you can update your employment history manually.

        1. Click the Add Employer button.
        2. Enter employer information. Required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).
        3. Click the Save button.
      • Other Early Care and Education Related Credentials

        Credentials listed in this section are not verified by the PSC; however some employers may require specific credentials with supporting documentation.

        As you click the boxes to indicate other credentials, the required fields will be indicated with an asterisk (*).

        The date can be populated using the date menu or manually entered. If manually entered, enter in the format of mm/dd/yyyy.

        If you want to record a credential that is not listed, you can add a custom item.

        1. Click the Add Other Credential button.
        2. Enter credential information. Required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).
        3. Click the Save button.
      • Professional Memberships and Contributions

        Five categories of Memberships and Contributions are provided in this section, or you can add categories/items. Professional Memberships and Contributions are not verified by the PSC.

    • Demographics

      You are not required to complete the information in the demographics section in order to submit your registration. However, demographic information helps define and identify needs and strengths within the early care and education profession to drive policy making.

      The information can also be used to support grants and other incentives for which DECAL applies, which are often awarded based on identified populations, specific qualifications, geographic regions, and available or provided services.

      The information in the demographics section is not verified by the PSC.

    • Submit Registry Profile

      After you have entered in all of the required information on each tab of your My Profile page, or when you add additional information to your profile, you are ready for your profile to be submitted for a Career Level. This means that the PSC is comparing your information to the documentation you have submitted. The PSC reviews documentation and then you are assigned a Career Level.

      To submit your registry profile for verification:

      1. Review your information on the My Profile screen to ensure all data has been entered completely and accurately.
      2. Check I have reviewed my profile and verify that my information is correct." (located at the bottom of the GaPDS Profile screen)
      3. Click the Continue button. (located at the bottom of the GaPDS Profile screen).
      4. After reading the assessment authorization, check I authorize assessment and agree to above terms and conditions.
      5. Click Submit.
      6. Your GaPDS Profile has been submitted and you will be taken back to the My Profile page.
      7. You will see the message at the top your My Profile page that says: Your profile is in Pending status, which means your profile has been submitted and is awaiting verification by the Professional Standards Commission. Please make sure that you have submitted the required documentation as detailed in the email you received when you submitted your profile. NOTE: WHILE IN PENDING STATUS, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO UPDATE THE REQUIRED INFORMATION SECTIONS OF YOUR PROFILE (OTHER THAN EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION).

      After you submit your registration, you are in Pending status, and you cannot access the Required Information sections (Contact, Education, Employment, and Training). You will still be able to access the Optional Information and Demographics sections. Once the PSC has completed the review of your profile, your Career Level will be assigned, your status will be changed to Active, and all sections of your profile will be available again.

      The My Profile page will be your homepage after you've logged in and completed the required information.

    • After Changing a Completed Profile

      Each time you update your information or add trainings, education, certifications, or other new information, you will submit your profile for leveling again by going to My Profile and clicking Review and Submit Pending Items Only. You will have a chance to review one last time before checking the box I have reviewed my profile and verify that my information is correct. Then you will click Continue. Read the terms and condition and check the box next to I authorize assessment and agree to above terms and conditions, and then click Submit. You will be in Pending status again, in the same manner as above.

    • Update Profile Username or Password
      • Change Your Password

        GaPDS and PSC staff members do not have access to passwords. No one at GaPDS or PSC will ever request password information.Do not share your password with anyone.

        To change your password, click My Account in the top right corner of your browser window. This will take you to the My Account page.

        1. Click on the link on the left side of the screen  Password
        2. Enter Current Password.
        3. Enter New Password. (Your password must meet the requirements listed on the screen).Click the Update Password button to complete the task.
      • Change Your User Name

        To change your user name, click on the My Account link/icon in the top right corner of your browser window. This will take you to the My Account page.

        1. Click on the link on the left side of the screen  User Name
        2. Enter User Name.(Your user name must meet the requirements listed on the screen)
        3. Click the Update User Name button to complete the task.
  • GaPDS Training Information
    • Finding and Registering for Trainings

      To find all of the trainings, log into your PDS Profile.

      • If you do not have a PDS Profile, please click here to learn how to create one.
      1. Click on Find Training in the top navigation bar.
      2. Search by Training Name, Keyword, or other criteria, then click on Search Training.
      3. Click on the training you are interested in.
      4. Choose the session you would like to attend and click on Register.
      5. Read the cancelation and certification statements, then check the box next to the statement, Read the following and check the box indicating that you have read and agree to abide by the statements below.
      6. Select Submit Enrollment.

      You are now registered! You will receive an email to your email address on file and you will be able to view it under Scheduled Trainings in your PDS Profile.

    • Wait List

      If a training session is full, you will see Join Waitlist instead of Register. When you select Join Waitlist, it will take you to another screen where you will confirm you want to be on the wait list.

      If a seat becomes available, everyone on the wait list will get an email. The seat will go to the first person to register. The others will remain on the wait list.

      If there are no more seats on the wait list, then you will see No more available seats. Please check back for possible seat openings in place of Join Waitlist or Register.

    • Canceling Training
      1. Go to Scheduled Trainings and find the training you wish to cancel. Please note that you can only cancel trainings that you have registered yourself for. If your director, trainer, or GaPDS staff registered you, that is who must cancel you.
      2. Select the   to the right of the screen.
      3. You will get a message that asks, Are you sure you want to cancel this registration?
      4. Select Yes
      5. This training is now canceled and you will receive an email confirming the cancelation.
  • FAQs
    • What does my Professional Development System (PDS) GaPDS Profile Status mean?

      There are several PDS statuses. Each is explained below:

      • Incomplete: This is the first status you receive. It will change after you have submitted your GaPDS Profile for review.
      • Pending: Your registration has been submitted and is awaiting review by the Professional Standards Commission (PSC).
      • Active: Your registration and review are complete. You can now start updating your GaPDS Profile and registering for DECAL trainings.
      • Expired: You need to renew your registration. You have 90 days after expiration to renew.
      • Inactive: You have been asked to be removed from GaPDS or you waited more than 90 days to renew your registration.
    • Do I have to provide my Social Security Number (SSN)?

      Yes. Currently, this is the only way we have to identify early care and learning professionals. We use your SSN to verify your data with the PSC and to ensure you receive the most accurate and highest career level for which you are qualified. After your account is created and reviewed, you will receive a PDS number. This number will replace your SSN and you can use it for all future PDS-related activities. It’s important to protect your personal information by keeping your username and password private.

    • What documentation must be submitted to the PSC for verification?

      The type of document you provide depends on what credential you have. See below for a list of required documentation by credential:

      • Georgia PSC Certified: No documentation required
      • Teaching Certificate from a State Other than Georgia: Copy of the certificate and contact information for the issuing agency (telephone number, email, address, and name of contact person)
      • College Degree: Official transcripts for all degrees held
      • Technical College Diploma (TCD): Official copy of diploma and an official copy of your transcript
      • Technical Certificate of Credit (TCC): Official copy of your certificate and an official copy of your transcript
      • Child Development Associate (CDA): Copy of the certificate awarded by the Council for Professional Recognition
      • High School Diploma: Copy of the diploma
      • General Education Diploma (GED): Copy of your certificate
      • Non-DECAL Trainings: Copy of the training certificate for each training listed in your profile
    • How do I submit my documents for verification?
      • Transcripts: Only official transcripts, received from the educational institution in a sealed envelope, will be accepted. Official transcripts should be mailed to the PSC at the address listed below.
      • Other documents: All other documents can be uploaded directly into your GaPDS Profile. You may also email, mail, or fax documents to the PSC at the address listed below.
        Important: If you are sending in documentation (this does not apply to official transcripts), please print the cover letter provided at the end of the email received after your profile was submitted and attach it to all documentation sent to the PSC. This letter, which provides your name, PDS #, and e-mail address, will help ensure that the information you provide is accurately matched with your registry information. DO NOT send your document to the GA Department of Early Care and Learning, as this will either delay your documents getting entered, or they may not make it to PSC at all.
      Georgia Professional Standards Commission
      Professional Development System
      200 Piedmont Avenue SE
      Suite 1716 West Tower
      Atlanta, GA 30334-9032
    • How do I renew an expiring credential?

      When your verified CDA credential is within six months of expiration, you will see Renew next to the credential. When you click on this link, you will be able to enter the Earned Date and Expiration Interval for the new credential. After entering this information, forward the new credential to the PSC for verification.

    • How much time do I have to provide my documentation to the PSC?

      Documentation must be received by the PSC within 30 calendar days of submitting your GaPDS Profile in order to be evaluated and considered in your Career Level assignment

    • What happens if I don’t submit my documentation to the PSC within the defined timeframe?

      After 30 days, you are assigned a career level based on the documents that have been received. If you have missing documents, they will not be considered in determining your career level.

    • My status still shows Incomplete. What is wrong?

      You need to check to ensure all of the tabs are complete, and that you submitted your profile to be reviewed.

    • What is an Annual Renewal and what do I need to do?

      If you enroll and renew your PDS registry January through June, your renewal date will be 12/31 of the current year. If you renew in the months of July through December, your renewal date will be 12/31 of the following year. You will receive an email notification 60 days to your renewal date. To renew your PDS registry, simply log into PDS, review the information that is displayed on your profile, and make any updates needed. Then submit your profile to renew your PDS registry and have a new renewal date assigned.

    • What are the criteria for each Career Level?
    • Where can I find the ECE-Related Coursework list?
    • I've forgotten my login information. What do I do?
    • What are the Training Requirements in Georgia?

      Early care and education (ECE) professionals employed in early childhood facilities are required by state rules and regulations to receive a minimum of ten (10) hours of annual training and education. For more information on training requirements for licensing, Click here.

      For Georgia’s Pre-K teacher requirements, Click here.

      For Quality Rated Training requirements, Click here.

    • What do the Training Levels mean?

        Training is provided at the following three levels, based on the experience and education of the ECE professional:

      • Beginning Level Training

        Beginning level training is appropriate for entry-level professionals or, in some cases, professionals who are further along in their career but have changed roles or need a refresher. Beginning training covers a basic understanding and demonstration of developing skills within the competency areas.

      • Intermediate Level Training

        Intermediate level training is appropriate for professionals who have a few years of experience and some training, formal education, and/or credentials. Intermediate level training includes expanding knowledge and application and refining skills.

      • Advanced Level Training

        Advanced level training is appropriate for professionals who have some formal education in the early care and education field. Advanced level training is for professionals most often in leadership or mentor roles as lead teachers, directors, and administrators. Advanced training focuses on a more thorough knowledge and understanding of developmentally appropriate practice.

Early Childhood Facility Director

  • Creating an Account
    • Creating a New Account

      *Important* Ensure the primary email address that is in DECAL KOALA is up-to-date and that it is the one you want your confirmation to be sent to.

      1. Under New Users, click Create new account for GaPDS.
      2. Under What do you want to do?, select the first option, I am a Director/Program Administrator for a licensed or exempt Early Care and Learning facility. then click Continue.
      3. Click on Select Employer to search and find your facility. Enter one or more of the following search criteria to search for your facility:
        1. Provider Number - select the prefix from the drop-down list and enter the provider number. This can be a license number or an exemption number.
        2. Employer Name (Enter all or part of the name)
        3. County
        4. Zip Code
      4. Click the Search button.
      5. Select your current employer from the results list by clicking on the option to the left of the provider name.
      6. Verify the information on the screen is correct for your facility, including the email address. If you have selected the wrong facility, click on Update Employer to search again.
      7. Click Create Account.
      8. Your username will be the license number or exemption number for your facility.
      9. You will be notified by an e-mail to the email address listed in DECAL KOALA when your account has been created. This process should take no longer than 30 minutes. If you do not receive an e-mail after registering, see Contact PDS Support.
  • Training
    • Enrolling Staff for Training

      If you are a Pre-K Program Director, click here for instructions for enrolling your Pre-K staff members for training.

      1. Log into your PDS Profile using the log in for your facility.
      2. At the top navigation bar, click on Trainings and select Find Scheduled Training Session.
      3. Search by Training Name, Keyword, or other criteria, then click on Search Training.
      4. Click on the training you are interested in.
      5. Choose the session you would like staff to attend and click on Register.
      6. Select Add Participants to select from your staff list. (Please note, only those that have selected you as their employer will be listed here. Encourage your staff to update their profiles.)
      7. Select the employee(s) you want to attend this training.
      8. If someone is not in your list and they provide you with their PDS number, you can add them to the training by selecting Search PDS Registrants.
      9. Click Add Selected Participants.
      10. Read the cancelation and certification statements, then check the box next to the statement, Read the following and check the box indicating that you have read and agree to abide by the statements below.
      11. Select Submit Enrollment.

      Your staff members are now registered! You will receive an email to your email address on file, selected staff will also receive an email, and you will be able to view it under Scheduled Trainings.

    • Canceling Staff Training or Substituting Staff

        Go to Scheduled Trainings and find the training you scheduled the staff member(s) in. (You may only cancel staff or substitute them from trainings you registered them for.)

      • Canceling
        1. Select the   to the right of the screen to cancel. Please note, you may only cancel staff members if you were the one to register them.
        2. You will get a message that asks, Are you sure you want to cancel this registration?
        3. Select Yes.
        4. This training is now canceled and both you and the staff member will receive an email confirming the cancelation.
      • Substituting
        1. Select the to the right of the screen to cancel.
        2. Click Select Participant to Substitute.
        3. Select the staff member(s) you want to attend this training.
        4. If someone is not in your list and they provide you with their PDS number, you can add them to the training by selecting Search PDS Registrants.
        5. Click Add Selected Participants.
        6. Click Complete Submission.

        The substitution is complete. The first staff member is now canceled and the new staff member is now registered! You, the staff canceled, and the staff enrolled will all receive an email to confirm and you will be able to view it under Scheduled Trainings.

    • Training History and Certificates

      Click Trainings and select Training History near the top of the screen. You will be able view it for one staff member or for your entire facility.

      1. For an individual, you may search by First Name, Last Name, PDS Number, or by other various fields.
      2. For your entire staff (those who have selected you as their employer), you will go to Select Provider and ONLY facilities that you are associated with will be available to select.
      3. Click on Search.
      4. Your results will be listed below. You will be able to click through multiple pages if applicable.
      5. You will also be able to print the Training History by clicking the , and opening an Adobe file. This file is also sortable by the arrows listed in the headers.

      If you see a that represents a certificate seal, you will be able to click on it to view and print the certificate.

  • FAQs
    • Can I create a PDS account for my staff?

      No. Each teacher will need to create their own account and should not share their log in information with anyone. It is a fast and easy process.

    • A teacher isn’t showing up in my list. What do I do?

      Encourage your teachers to go into their PDS Profile and update their employer. Also, if a staff member is leaving, remind them to remove you as their employer.

    • Can I add or remove teachers from my list of people I can enroll in trainings or training history?

      No. At this time, only the individuals can add or remove employers.

    • I am also a Georgia’s Pre-K Project Director. Can I enroll staff for Georgia’s Pre-K Trainings here?

      You will need to log in with your GAPREK credentials to be able to register staff for Georgia’s Pre-K Trainings.

    • What are the criteria for each Career Level?
    • Where can I find the ECE-Related Coursework list?
    • I've forgotten my login information. What do I do?

Georgia's Pre-K Project Director

  • Logging In

    You do not need to create a new account.

    1. On the GaPDS home page, click the Login / Register link in the top right corner.
    2. You must select Click here to login as PreK Director where you will be redirected to our Georgia DECAL Integrated Provider Portal. (MyDECAL is Georgia DECAL's online platform for program and workforce management).
    3. Please enter your GAPREK username and password in the required fields on the Georgia DECAL Integrated Provider Portal.
    4. Select Log In at the bottom of the screen. You will be redirected back to the GAPDS Home Page where you can begin enrolling your PreK Staff for Training.


    *Important* The email address on file in GAPREK will be the one to which all confirmations will be sent to.

  • Training
    • Enrolling Pre-K Staff for Training
      1. Log into your PDS Profile using your GAPREK log in.
      2. At the top navigation bar, click on Trainings and select Find Scheduled Training Session.
      3. Search by Training Name, Keyword, or other criteria, then click on Search Training.
      4. Click on the training/set of trainings you are interested in.
      5. Choose the session you would like staff to attend and click on Register.
        1. If it has multiple on-site sessions, you will select each session separately.
        2. All staff will automatically be enrolled in any online sessions.
      6. Select Add Participants to select from your staff list. (Please note, only those that are on your GAPREK roster will show up, and will be listed under the role listed in GAPREK.)
      7. Select the site you would like to register from Select Site.
      8. Select Teacher Role to help narrow down the list.
      9. Click Retrieve Staff from GAPREK.
      10. Select the employee(s) you want to attend this training (please keep in mind to only enroll those in the role that is appropriate for this training).
      11. If someone is not in your staff list, log into your GAPREK account and add them to the roster. Once you have added your teacher onto your GAPREK roster with a valid PDS #, it should reflect on your Pre-K Director account.
      12. Click Add Selected Participants
      13. Read the cancelation and certification statements, then check the box next to the statement, Read the following and check the box indicating that you have read and agree to abide by the statements below.
      14. Select Submit Enrollment.

      Your staff members are now registered! You will receive an email to your email address on file, as well as the selected staff, and you will be able to view it under Scheduled Trainings.

    • Canceling Staff Training or Substituting Staff

        Go to Scheduled Trainings and find the training you scheduled the staff member(s) in. (You may only cancel staff or substitute them from trainings you registered them for.)

      • Canceling
        1. Select the   to the right of the screen to cancel. (This will cancel them out of all on-site trainings within the class set, but they will remain enrolled in the online trainings.) Please note that you may only cancel staff that you have registered.
        2. You will get a message that asks, Are you sure you want to cancel this registration?
        3. Select Yes.
        4. This training is now canceled and both you and the staff member will receive an email confirming the cancelation
      • Substituting
        1. Select the to the right of the screen to cancel.
        2. Click Select Participant to Substitute.
        3. Select Add Participants to select from your staff list. (Please note, only those that are on your GAPREK roster will show up, and will be listed under the role listed in GAPREK.)
        4. Select the site you would like to register from Select Site.
        5. Select Teacher Role to help narrow down the list.
        6. Click Retrieve Staff from GAPREK.
        7. Select the employee(s) you want to attend this training (please keep in mind to only enroll those in the role that is appropriate for this training).
        8. If someone is not in your list and they provide you with their PDS number, you can add them to the training by selecting Search PDS Registrants.
        9. Click Add Selected Participants.
        10. Click Complete Submission.

        The substitution is complete. The first staff member is now canceled and the new staff member is now registered! You, the staff canceled, and the staff enrolled will all receive an email to confirm and you will be able to view it under Scheduled Trainings.

    • Training History and Certificates

      Click Trainings and select Training History near the top of the screen. You will be able view it for one staff member or for your entire facility.

      1. For an individual, you may search by First Name, Last Name, PDS Number, or by other various fields.
      2. For your entire staff (those who have selected you as their employer), you will go to Select Provider and ONLY facilities that you are associated with will be available to select.
      3. Click on Search.
      4. Your results will be listed below. You will be able to click through multiple pages if applicable.
      5. You will also be able to print the Training History by clicking the , and opening an Adobe file. This file is also sortable by the arrows listed in the headers.

      If you see a that represents a certificate seal, you will be able to click on it to view and print the certificate.

  • FAQs
    • Can I create a PDS account for my Pre-K Teachers?

      No. Each teacher will need to create their own account and should not share their log in information with anyone. It is a fast and easy process.

    • A Pre-K Lead or Assistant Teacher isn’t showing up in my list. What do I do?

      You will need to add the teacher to your GAPREK roster and list their role appropriately. You will also want to encourage your teachers to go into their PDS Profile and update their employer. If a staff member is leaving, remind them to remove you as their employer.

      Can I add or remove teachers from my list of people I can enroll in trainings or training history?

      You may add them to your GAPREK roster. To be able to register them in non-Pre-K training, only the individuals can add or remove employers from their PDS Profile.

    • I also have non-Georgia’s Pre-K staff. Can I enroll staff those staff for Pre-K Trainings under my Facility Director/Admin log in, or enroll them in non-Pre-K training?

      You will only be able to register your staff from your GAPREK list into Georgia’s Pre-K Trainings. Those trainings are only offered to those listed as Georgia’s Pre-K teachers, as appropriate by level and years of service. To registered non-Georgia’s Pre-K staff or staff in non-Georgia Pre-K Trainings, log in with your facility Director log in according to your facility number.

    • What are the criteria for each Career Level?
    • Where can I find the ECE-Related Coursework list?
    • I've forgotten my login information. What do I do?

      You will need to go to the GAPREK login page, and click Forgot Your Password?.

Site Requirements

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  1. Google Chrome – Version 111.0.556.65 (Official Build) (64-bit) or higher.
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